Free Complete Works of Jonathan Edwards

A friend recently asked about a readable edition of Jonathan Edwards’ complete works.

You can download his complete works in PDF format for FREE from, using the following links—WARNING: the full volumes will have VERY LARGE file sizes:

vol 1vol 2vol 3vol 4
These links are all to the 1879 edition of ‘The Works of President Edwards,’ which is the most recent complete edition available online.

Arranged by topic:


  1. Memoirs of President Edwards
  2. An Account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainerd
  3. Narrative of Surprising Conversions


  1. A Farewell Sermon
  2. Six Occasional Sermons
  3. Sermons on Various Important Subjects


  1. A Careful and Strict Inquiry into the Prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will
  2. Miscellaneous Observations concerning the Divine Decree in General and Election in Particular
  3. Concerning the Perseverance of the Saints


  1. The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended
  2. A History of the Work of Redemption (originally sermons)
  3. Miscellaneous Observations on Important Doctrines
  4. Mysteries of Scripture
  5. Observations upon Particular Passages of Scripture
  6. Theological Questions


  1. Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue
  2. Dissertation on the End for which God Created the World


  1. The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God
  2. Thoughts on the Revival of Religion in New England, 1740
  3. Inquiry Concerning Qualifications for Communion
  4. A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
  5. A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer


  1. Misrepresentations Corrected and Truth Vindicated, in Reply to the Rev. Solomon Williams
  2. Reasons Against Dr. Watts’ Notion of the Pre-Existence of Christ’s Human Soul

Arranged by volume:

Volume 1:

  1. Memoirs of President Edwards
  2. A Farewell Sermon
  3. Inquiry Concerning Qualifications for Communion
  4. Misrepresentations Corrected and Truth Vindicated, in Reply to the Rev. Solomon Williams
  5. A History of the Work of Redemption
  6. The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God
  7. Miscellaneous Observations on Important Doctrines
  8. An Account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainerd

Volume 2:

  1. A Careful and Strict Inquiry into the Prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will
  2. Dissertation on the End for which God Created the World
  3. Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue
  4. The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended
  5. Miscellaneous Observations concerning the Divine Decree in General and Election in Particular

Volume 3:

  1. A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
  2. Narrative of Surprising Conversions
  3. Thoughts on the Revival of Religion in New England, 1740
  4. A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer
  5. Concerning the Perseverance of the Saints
  6. Reasons Against Dr. Watts’ Notion of the Pre-Existence of Christ’s Human Soul
  7. Mysteries of Scripture
  8. Observations upon Particular Passages of Scripture
  9. Theological Questions
  10. Six Occasional Sermons

Volume 4:

  1. Sermons on Various Important Subjects

4 thoughts on “Free Complete Works of Jonathan Edwards

    1. Pioneer Library Post author

      It looks like he preached to children more than once, at the very least he preached on Psalm 34:11 in July 1740 and again in July 1741 if I’m not mistaken. But I don’t see the title or the full sermon anywhere.


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